Compliance Framework Documents

Privacy Policy

At India International Insurance Pte Ltd (III) we are dedicated to the protection of the user’s personal information collected through our website. The following Internet Privacy Policy is intended to regulate the handling of any personal information that we collect and explains how we at India International Insurance endeavor to build the user’s trust and security through our web policies. This Internet Privacy Policy applies to the user’s who visit our web site

Information Gathering

The level of information gathered by India International Insurance varies depending upon the user’s request. The gathering of this information is designed with the user in mind so that we can better service the products we offer the user of the website. Here are some examples of the types of information the India International Insurance web site collects if the user choose to provide it:

  • "Contact Us" & Other Email Forms - Name & Email Address
  • Request for Information Forms - Name & Mailing Address and/or Email Address
  • Event Registration Forms - Name, Email Address, Mailing Address, Company, Title & Phone Number
  • Claims Notification - Name, Address, Date of Birth, Policy Number, Phone, information about the claim or accident, information about the occupants of the other vehicle(s) (if applicable), the names of witnesses & other contact information

Using Information Gathered

By using our website, India International Insurance is able to log general statistical information such as the domain name, IP address and browser type of the visitors to our web site. With the information gathered, we are better able to create a customized experience for the user’s visit to our web site. The log file information does not contain personally identifiable information, such as name, address, phone, etc. and is used only in the aggregate.


What is a cookie? Cookies are sets of information that our web server assigns to the user when the user visit our web site. Cookies are used in a few areas of our site only for maintaining information between pages. They are not used for storing or tracking personal information from our customers. These cookies simply carry forward information that the user submitted on one screen to the next screen, eliminating the need for redundant entry. These cookies do not gather any other personal information from the user or the user’s computer. The user do have a choice whether or not to accept the cookie, however, if the user reject the cookie or if cookies are disabled on the user’s web browser, some parts of the web site will not be operable.

Non III Mutual Web Sites

India International Insurance is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of any other web sites on the Internet that may be linked to the India International Insurance web site. Please note that when the user clicks on links to web sites outside of the user gets transferred to another web site that may not be under the control of III. We encourage the user to read the privacy statements of these linked sites as their privacy policy may differ from ours.

Sharing Information Gathered

The India International Insurance web site is designed to give our customers, prospective customers, and visitors a confidential means of gathering information about our Company, services and products and for doing business with us over the Internet. Our site will only collect information that the user voluntarily provide in order for us to service the user’s request. If the user has provided personal information on our web site in order to obtain a policy quote, administer the user’s insurance policies, ask us a question etc we may need to share that information with authorized third parties, if necessary to service the user’s request. We do not sell any customer information to mailing list companies or telemarketing companies.

Caution to be exercised by the user of the website

a) Please note that the user plays an important and substantial part in protecting the security and confidentiality of the user’s personal information in connection with the user’s use of our website. Where we have given the user (or the user have chosen) a password which enables the user to access any III service, the user are responsible for keeping this password confidential. We ask the user not to share the user’s password with anyone.

b) We also advise the user that the transmission of information via the Internet is not completely secure, and may be intercepted or accessed by unauthorized third parties. While we will do our best to protect the user’s personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of the user’s information transmitted through our website; any transmission is at the user’s own risk. It is the user’s responsibility to take all necessary security precautions to ensure the integrity of the user’s computer system, to minimize the risks of third parties gaining unnoticed access to the user’s computer system, and to protect the user’s computer system from viruses and other malicious code.

Protecting Information Gathered and Security

Personal information the user has provided is limited to employees and agents of India International Insurance who need to know that information in order to service the user’s request. India International Insurance retains the information collected for as long as required or permitted by law or regulation.

Notification of Changes

This Internet Privacy Policy may be modified from time to time. If we change our Internet Privacy Policy, we will post those changes on this web site The user may wish to visit this page periodically to review the most recent Internet Privacy Policy.